otrdiena, 2021. gada 12. oktobris

RDS-TMC tuner

How to remove

RDS-TMC tuner:

Connection to RDS-TMC tuner is faulty or could not be established!


RDS-TMC tuner:  Connection to RDS-TMC tuner is faulty or could not be established!


  1. Open VAG-COM;

  2. Click on 37 - Navigation or 56 - Radio (if you have not yet properly installed RNS-D);

  3. Click on Adaptation - 10;

  4. Enter Channel Number: 06;

  5. Change New Value from 1 to 0;

  6. Press Save.

This was done on: AUDI A4 B6 2002 2.5 TDI QUATTRO

!!! Always double check if a new value was saved. Sometimes it doesn't save at first try.


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